栄のテレビ塔近くにあるPanda Cafe!
Cozy なかわいい雰囲気のかわいいCafeです!
素敵な出会いがあるようにと企画されたイベントにRikakoもKOTE artといっしょに参加させて頂きました!
This place is near the TV tower in Sakae!
The atmospher is cozy n cute!! I like that!!
At this place there was a event for meeting up with new people to know each other and make a business together.So I attended the event with KOTE art!
そしてそんなワクワクの空間の中でRikakoもお店の入り口外にてKOTE artを披露させていただきました!
There were singers from America n was a nunit (Zimbabwean guy n Japanese guy) calls ''11YC'' n there was a hair show n dance performance and so on... I couldn't check thoes well coz I was perfoming my art but I could feel thier enagy!!
That was great!!
すごく楽しかった!! もちろんArtも外で風を感じながらできて楽しかったけど、
KOTE artというものを初めてみたという方もたくさんみえて、真剣なまなざしでKOTE artとは何か?話を聞いてくださり、そんな姿やかけてくださる言葉や握手、、パワーをたくさんいただきました!!
I really enjoyed the time!! I was perfoming KOTE art outside with feeling a nice wind...☆
There were many people who don't know what's KOTE art like. so I explained what it is. I was really happy to see thier eyes when they were listening to my explanation coz I could see they were interested in it. People gave me a nice power by thier eyes, talking ,shake hand with me...
Thank you so much for everybody n every seconds n for the place!!